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Common Car Accident-Related Injuries

Rick Jaklistch

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A long-time member of the Maryland State Bar Association and the Maryland Association for Justice, personal injury attorney Rick Jaklistch has worked tirelessly on behalf of people injured due to negligence for more than 35 years. Rick Jaklistch and his legal firm cover multiple practice areas related to motor vehicle accidents.

Recovering after a car accident can be complex due to the combination of property damage and the high potential for serious injury. Some of the most common injuries reported after a car accident include:

Head injuries - People may sustain head injuries whether the accident was low- or high-impact due to the force of the collision. Parties may be at risk for concussions, lacerations, and brain injuries, and may require long-term, follow-up care.

Soft tissue injuries -Individuals injured in car accidents can also experience muscle damage in the neck and spine. In addition to pain and stiffness, injuries to soft tissues can severely impact a person’s quality of life by impacting their sleep and ability to work.

Psychological trauma -Car accidents can cause long-term emotional and mental distress. It is not uncommon for people to develop post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and phobias.